Friday, November 17, 2006

Perfect Day

It's been six years since I've seen an autumn this gorgeous. The leaves have fallen, the air has cooled, the jackets are out, but the sun shines warming the sidewalks and glistening miles of brownstone houses and yellow taxicabs. It's a day when you can breathe deep and watch the world get ready to bundle up. The passage of time happens so quickly when you glance back, but looking forward it seems that there is so much more to come. Autumn promises that summer days will be back again, only when you can appreciate it after months of blistering wind and ducking in and out of heated spaces. Am I ready for a New York winter? Is it the kind of cold that stops your thoughts and freezes your ambitions? Or is it the type of constraint that spawns ingenious ideas? Or does it all depend on what kind of warmth you have wrapped around you to keep you warm?

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