Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Overheard in New York...

Occasionally, life requires a bit of streamlining - hence wondering if anyone one was out there! I happen to enjoy the little bits of life that emerge on this blog and as long as someone is reading I'll keep sharing. And I should probably remember that there's always someone listening in New York...


Guy #1: Man, I don't know what to do! I can't get rid of my crazy ex! We've been broken up for almost a year now and I told her, 'I don't want to see you or speak to you any more,' and she said, 'I'm going to make your life miserable.' Then she had the audacity to send my current girlfriend a message on Facebook saying, 'We need to talk' and asked my current girlfriend to call her. Then, a few weeks later, she shows up at my office. And just this week she send me a text saying, 'I know we're not speaking, but do you want to come out to dinner with me and meet my mom?' What do I do?!
Guy #2: Oh my god, restraining order?!
Guy #1: And the sad part is that she has a dating column!
Guy #2: You mean she is giving other people dating advice?
Guy #1: Yup.


AlphaChick said...

Hilarious! Then again most of us don't practice what we preach.

AlphaChick said...

P.S. I love reading the bits you share.

Stephanie said...

Can't wait to have you in New York girl!