Friday, September 22, 2006


Well this blog isn't proving to be as exciting or eventful as the Hong Kong one and I'm certainly not doing as good of a job of posting the Latest and Greatest events happening here... perhaps the experiences are not quite as exquisite or it's easier to catch up on the phone since I'm not as far away from everyone. But every part of life is an adventure and each place has it's own challenges...

In Hong Kong the job was set, so my explorations were more of the landscape or the social scene. Here my journeys are much more internal. Keeping focused on the ever-moving target of "what do I want" and "how do I get it" in a city where I know almost no one.

In Hong Kong my residence was set for me, so I could leave to wander around the city without worrying about where I'm coming home to. Here there is more a sense of building a home. The process of apartment hunting, negotiating, renting, getting furniture, sorting out cable and bills and misc things that need to be fixed is all-consuming.

And then there's the fact that, well, I'm not in Asia anymore. And it's time to stop looking back at HK with misty eyes and start walking the streets of Manhattan with bold footsteps.

And since this is the Place to Post about BYSTANDER... more good news:
Bystander will be filming at the Vermont International Film Festival in Burlington, VT on Saturday, October 14th at 8:45p (another fantastic screening time!). I'll be there for the weekend...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Me too! Vermont should be beautiful that time of the year, too!