I suppose I should be frustrated blink but I actually like the time to sit up late at night blink when I work best and click away at blink the keyboard. Think about the things I've seen blink and learned this weekend. The slight tinge of fear as I watched blink hundreds of orange men roam predatorially blink around a massive prison yard only blink separated from me by a wire fence topped with razor wire. The aboslutely stunning majesty of the Arizona sunset where mountains glow orange and slip into unending flatness and silence. Did the blinking stop? Thank god. Where was I? Oh, right... Phoenix.
Tomorrow a holiday celebration with whomever is around and then off to Atlanta! The holidays have always been a bit of a whirlwind. Yes, you've grown taller. Yes, you look older. No, you didn't actually do that to your hair, did you? And as I wander around the country, the world, searching for something that I can't actually touch, I enjoy coming back to homebase and seeing what everyone else has discovered. And never being jealous of it. There is something beautiful in everything people do. Even if they are just fucking it all up. Which was usually me. But I'm past the point of thinking that the things I've done and said were wrong or stupid. Alright, some of them were stupid. But there's no point in not making mistakes. As we start to get older, we start to learn that there are consequences to our actions. And so our actions become more premeditated and our footsteps lighter and our decisions less bold. Because there are c-o-n-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e-s. I opt that said consquences are there for us to learn from and if we don't make the choices that force us to embrace, wrestling, and kick the shit out of those consequences, then we must not be making mistakes because we aren't actually Doing anything. Not that we want to be wearing bright orange jumpsuits or anything, but c'mon a little orange in your life won't hurt. This from a woman who wears nothing but black, brown, white, and red. Sometimes I just talk myself into a corner, don't I? Well, come on out, put on some gloves, and let's find out what consequences are really out there. It takes more than a few black eyes to win a championship belt. How did I get here? Oh, right... time to go check on that plane.
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