Ah the delights of living in New York City! In other parts of the world there are gardens and greenhouses. Here in New York, we import our selection of hydroponic seeds from flashing numbers and commands to "call now!" and donate twelve cubic inches of precious counter space in the kitchen. And for that we get!: Seven assorted herbs (chives, dill, parsley, mint, cilantro, and two kinds of basil) and a light that radiates through the apartment at alternating hours - seven hours off, seventeen hours ON. Think of a nightlight on steriods. James' new hobby should come to fruition (literally) in eight weeks. That's one too many. Let's stick with the sevens...
Most important: the seven deadly sins... and then the dwarfs... the wonders of the world... days in a week... samurai... the hong kong sevens!... and dante, oh dante... AND I just realized, here we are in 2007.
And maybe it's time to simplify. Rather than lists and lists of 'what I'm going to look back on in a year and remind myself - oh now THAT'S what I was supposed to be doing' I'm feeling compelled to itemize (yes, mother, make a list!) and I'm thinking that a list of Seven For 07 is the way to go. But I gotta ask myself, do I feel lucky?

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