Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ways to fight the -19 windchill...

You know that when nothing's going up on the blog, that something's going on in life... Very busy lately with shooting a new short film called "new york blind" and a follow-up short that shows the "Making of New York Blind", but those are nearly complete now and several new projects are coming up...

I'm helping to put together a large party at The Pierre Hotel on Thursday where they're unveiling a re-furbished venue for social events and meetings. The Hotel has been around since pre-Depression and managed through several turns of hand to maintain an air of elegance and old-world charm. I believe it used to be owned by the Four Seasons, but has recently been bought by Taj Hotels. Small-scale event management has always intrigued me as something that would be fun, yet not time-consuming to do... so far, my instincts are proving to be correct.

I am also currently laying the foundation to direct Arthur Jolly's short play "Curfew" as part of the American Globe Theatre festival. It's a stunningly well-written play with beautiful parts for the two characters... both gripping and revealing. The festival has been running off-Broadway for 13 years and is well-established and able to attract name actors. Definitely worth making my off-Broadway directorial debut a success!

As always, the Arizona documentary continues... we've located many of the subjects we're looking to interview and a week in Arizona is now scheduled for late March, pending schedule confirmation with the interviewees.

James and I are looking at a trip to visit his family over Easter weekend. All in all, many wonderful things happening and lots of things to look forward to... For today, however, it's Sunday, so a nice, calm breakfast and an afternoon cycle in Central Park with friends is all that needs to be planned.

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