Tuesday, July 17, 2007


There was Friendster. Then MySpace. And LinkedIn. Now Facebook. Maybe it's a way of weeding out the old fogies - just pass them by with another online "i have more friends than you have" quasi-networking site that requires you to build yet another member profile and check back on a daily basis as to who has asked to be your friend. Mindless brainsucks if you ask me. But fun. So when a friend of mine recently sent me an email to join another networking site, I almost deleted it. But this one had an edge, and it was an old friend I haven't spoken to in years. So I clicked through and signed up. And this is networking of a different kind: It's not about setting up a profile; it's not about wasting hours of time trying to find as many friends as possible. It is a site you go to when you want to - where you can see what other people think about the books they've read. GoodReads. I rated a few of books I've read and will go back and throw some more thoughtful reviews up. More than "My favorite tv shows are..." these contributions are read by others and give you a chance, as a reader, to reflect on what you've just experienced. And there's nothing more soothing than a good book...


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